yelovet00: Frequent Visitor
yelovet00: Just Hanging Around
yelovet00: Whoo are You?
yelovet00: Bobcat
yelovet00: Early Morning Visitor
yelovet00: Determination, but no seeds for you Squirelly!
yelovet00: Hammerhead
yelovet00: Slurp, Slurp
yelovet00: Tough Little Guy
yelovet00: Isn't he cute
yelovet00: Yep, they're still up there
yelovet00: We're Outta Here! See you Friday!
yelovet00: Baby it's Cold Outside
yelovet00: Peregrine Falcon
yelovet00: The College of Cardinals
yelovet00: Butt Scratch
yelovet00: Head Scratch
yelovet00: Yesterday's Visitor
yelovet00: The Arborist
yelovet00: Happy Easter, Everyone!
yelovet00: Yikes, guess what is on their minds!
yelovet00: Mirror, Mirror
yelovet00: Owl Staring at the Squirrel
yelovet00: The Squirrel staring at the Owl
yelovet00: Mr. Squirrel meet Mr. Owl
yelovet00: Looks Good, Tastes Better!
yelovet00: Yeah, What are you looking at?
yelovet00: Happy First day of Spring!
yelovet00: The Blue Bird of Happiness showed up for my Birthday!
yelovet00: Staying Focused