yelovet00: The Bridge...Again
yelovet00: Riding the Rails in Warp Drive
yelovet00: Off Track
yelovet00: Leaving on a Jetplane
yelovet00: Tracking the Angles
yelovet00: The Bridge
yelovet00: Compression
yelovet00: Into the Fog
yelovet00: Tracks in the Snow
yelovet00: Drip, Drip, Plop
yelovet00: Layers of Blue on White
yelovet00: Symmetry
yelovet00: Figuring the Angles
yelovet00: Destination Unknown
yelovet00: Rail Reflections
yelovet00: Angles
yelovet00: Pumpkin Sky
yelovet00: Cold Steel
yelovet00: X-Box
yelovet00: Girding for Sunset
yelovet00: The Bridge Again
yelovet00: Aim Between the Ears
yelovet00: Taking the short way Home
yelovet00: Off in the Distance
yelovet00: Down the Rail
yelovet00: The Allure of the Rails
yelovet00: Tripped