corvussolus: tagged up building
corvussolus: A light wash
corvussolus: Somebody else's bike!
corvussolus: Mostly abandoned building
corvussolus: Riots Not Diets
corvussolus: Philly Represent!
corvussolus: "Neither Masters Nor Slaves"
corvussolus: Picture 010
corvussolus: Picture 024
corvussolus: One more changed tag...
corvussolus: What the hell is this doing here?
corvussolus: captured sky
corvussolus: I <3 TV
corvussolus: Fight like...
corvussolus: a funny place to lock up your bikes...
corvussolus: doors and trash communing with nature
corvussolus: playhouse backdoor
corvussolus: More of the "Am Yisrael Chai" series...
corvussolus: "Fill Your Heart With Sand"
corvussolus: Lego street art
corvussolus: bright building
corvussolus: Goofy lookin' bike
corvussolus: Picture 056
corvussolus: door and sun
corvussolus: Pussy Galore
corvussolus: records for everyone! pudding for none!
corvussolus: Pretty & abandoned building
corvussolus: Archways
corvussolus: shadows in Jaffa
corvussolus: Three wheels are better than four!