CortneyR-: tomorrow
CortneyR-: holding on
CortneyR-: a rose....
CortneyR-: try #4
CortneyR-: just like a star...
CortneyR-: stand tall green santolina
CortneyR-: reeds
CortneyR-: muted
CortneyR-: a little flower for you
CortneyR-: have a great weekend!
CortneyR-: living in a bubble
CortneyR-: halo
CortneyR-: by the sea
CortneyR-: cliffhangers
CortneyR-: sometimes things are better
CortneyR-: Garden of the Gods
CortneyR-: patriotic starbucks
CortneyR-: I asked her what she planned to do with her life & she said she was way beyond that point already. I'm just happy I remember to be there when it happens, she said. -StoryPeople
CortneyR-: i can't play
CortneyR-: love the captain in the morning