CORSIWORLD: Welcome to Hastings Park!!!
CORSIWORLD: Horses ready...
CORSIWORLD: The calm before the storm...
CORSIWORLD: That's a big burger!
CORSIWORLD: Geez Kev, that is a big burger!
CORSIWORLD: Yeah but it's a good burger!
CORSIWORLD: First race!
CORSIWORLD: Coming up on the right...
CORSIWORLD: Tyler enjoying a fry
CORSIWORLD: Smile for the camera!
CORSIWORLD: Her dad makes this face too!
CORSIWORLD: prep for the next race...
CORSIWORLD: Checking out the horse.
CORSIWORLD: To the starting gate
CORSIWORLD: overexposed but cool
CORSIWORLD: Cam goes to place a bet!
CORSIWORLD: Gamble checks out the "hot tips"
CORSIWORLD: Frustration
CORSIWORLD: Tyler losing interest...
CORSIWORLD: That hose better not bring up the rear!
CORSIWORLD: Mom & Daughter
CORSIWORLD: The next race is underway!
CORSIWORLD: The four frontrunners
CORSIWORLD: overexposed and blurry but still cool
CORSIWORLD: They round the turn...
CORSIWORLD: #3 is in top spot
CORSIWORLD: #9 in second...