59/365 dreaming the day away
58/365 red flower
57/365 light my candle
56/365 buddha
55/354: tooth brush
54/365 oscar night!
53/365 ファイト~オーッ!
52/365 fake
51/365: the glass palace
50/365: the last snow this winter?
49/365: challenge 13: twilight
48/365: after the storm.
47/365: just me.
46/365: rose
45/365: happy valentine's day!
44/365: while my guitar gently weeps
43/365: color of sunshine
42/365: fluffball
41/365: 心
40/365: books~!
39/365: wait a minute, mr eggman.
38/365: key to my heart
37/365: rain all day and i don't mind
36/365: spring awakening
35/365: bright colors on a grey day
34/365: yellow and polka-dotted
33/365: 気
32/365: And she sees everything black and white
31/365: a little piece of summer
30/365: ready to roll