The Corrections: Kartell red room
The Corrections: Roma 1987
The Corrections: Mon oncle d'amerique
The Corrections: Pescatori all'alba
The Corrections: Rigging sunset
The Corrections: Film 1986
The Corrections: Foto a randazzo quando non esisteva l'autofocus
The Corrections: Spiraglio
The Corrections: Scirocco II
The Corrections: Scalinata di Antignano
The Corrections: Scirocco I
The Corrections: Sometimes I'm happy sometimes I'm BLUE
The Corrections: Nothing i do make you happy anymore,nothing i say put a smile onto your face
The Corrections: Musei Vaticani (forse!)
The Corrections: Mamma mia 2!
The Corrections: Silvia,Paola e Luca
The Corrections: Dalla Terrazza Mascagni tanto tempo fa
The Corrections: Suddivisione dello spazio in 32 parti uguali
The Corrections: Com'è triste Venezia (1986)
The Corrections: Com'è triste Venezia (1986)
The Corrections: Autoritratto Holgoso con flash giallo dopo la piscina
The Corrections: All you need is me
The Corrections: La dea bendata
The Corrections: Blue soul o indacoclastia