Cornish Cowboy: Keeping my eye on the ball.....
Cornish Cowboy: Hair by Annie...Because I'm worth it
Cornish Cowboy: Worried expression
Cornish Cowboy: No siree.....I didn't do nuthin!!!!
Cornish Cowboy: Just look into my eyes.....
Cornish Cowboy: The service here is awful!!
Cornish Cowboy: Who threw my ball into the sea?
Cornish Cowboy: Well are we going for a walk or what?
Cornish Cowboy: Trying to be patient!
Cornish Cowboy: Just chillin
Cornish Cowboy: Just chillin
Cornish Cowboy: Watchful
Cornish Cowboy: Just Resting my eyes!
Cornish Cowboy: Concentration
Cornish Cowboy: Studious
Cornish Cowboy: Come on, hurry up
Cornish Cowboy: Just along for the ride!
Cornish Cowboy: Are we there yet?
Cornish Cowboy: Imperious
Cornish Cowboy: Imperious
Cornish Cowboy: Cupboard love.....dinner time!
Cornish Cowboy: Now she thinks she's a cat!
Cornish Cowboy: Beach time
Cornish Cowboy: Beach time fun
Cornish Cowboy: Beach time fun