Cornell Fungi: Making a slide of waterfall foam
Cornell Fungi: Foam below Ithaca Falls
Cornell Fungi: Foam below Ithaca Falls
Cornell Fungi: Ithaca Falls
Cornell Fungi: IMG_0940.JPG
Cornell Fungi: Sylloge Fungorum spines
Cornell Fungi: IMG_0932.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_1044.JPG
Cornell Fungi: Tar Spot
Cornell Fungi: American Fungi
Cornell Fungi: IMG_0936.JPG
Cornell Fungi: Shiitake
Cornell Fungi: IMG_0917.JPG
Cornell Fungi: Meixner Test
Cornell Fungi: Coprinus comatus ink
Cornell Fungi: Coprinus inkmaking
Cornell Fungi: Coprinus inkmaking
Cornell Fungi: Tools of mycology
Cornell Fungi: Naematoloma fasciculare
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2111.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2110.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2109.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2107.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2115.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2114.JPG
Cornell Fungi: IMG_2113.JPG
Cornell Fungi: Laetiporus sulphureus in culture
Cornell Fungi: A contaminated culture
Cornell Fungi: A contaminated culture
Cornell Fungi: Laetiporus sulphureus in culture