Coriel: IMG_0166
Coriel: IMG_0164
Coriel: Sacred Lady de Guadalupe
Coriel: Sacred, and enduring
Coriel: Too much coffee?
Coriel: IMG_0095
Coriel: Snow in Sonoita..
Coriel: I have the worst headache..
Coriel: Do I look good in blue?
Coriel: IMG_0105
Coriel: Perfect teeth...
Coriel: Like my hat?
Coriel: That was a hot tamale! woooheee!
Coriel: Oh that joke was awesome... tell another.
Coriel: Like my new lipstick?
Coriel: Does this dress make me look fat?
Coriel: Are they doing what I think they are doing?
Coriel: Howdy pardner..gotta smoke?
Coriel: Like my hat?
Coriel: Some people wait far to long to tie the knot.
Coriel: IMG_0119
Coriel: Ohhh, I can't stop laughing....
Coriel: Let's party...
Coriel: Let's Dance
Coriel: We didn't do it...
Coriel: IMG_0126
Coriel: But it's a dry heat...
Coriel: don't look so sad, it's almost happy hour.
Coriel: Hark, ... who goes there..
Coriel: It can't be all bad.