corierose.: untitled.
corierose.: untitled.
corierose.: pictures express so much emotion
corierose.: untitled
corierose.: Don't hide behind that curtain.
corierose.: the hair whip
corierose.: What do you do when no one is there to comfort you, to give you a little hope that everything is going to be ok?
corierose.: What's under it all? All the pain of life and stress of everyday things... How do we deal with our pain?
corierose.: the strongest
corierose.: in wonder.
corierose.: in the shadows
corierose.: open heart
corierose.: Simba
corierose.: O kitty
corierose.: what a real human looks like, not like those models on tv. Shes real and genuine.
corierose.: spotless
corierose.: simba
corierose.: curves
corierose.: the feetsiesss
corierose.: simply loved by her cat
corierose.: just legs :)
corierose.: escaping
corierose.: off the lanai
corierose.: those hands again
corierose.: thought-provoking
corierose.: natural
corierose.: just skin
corierose.: that brown hair
corierose.: the beauty of just skin