leslie*thomson: white out
leslie*thomson: "his whole future seemed suddenly to be unrolled before him; and passing down its endless emptiness he saw the dwindling figure of a man to whom nothing was ever to happen.”
leslie*thomson: a beautiful day
leslie*thomson: the players
leslie*thomson: it felt like summer
leslie*thomson: autumn apparitions
leslie*thomson: a moment in time
leslie*thomson: another neighbour's fence
leslie*thomson: a summer afternoon
leslie*thomson: solitary trees
leslie*thomson: "there's a certain slant of light"
leslie*thomson: unchain my frozen heart~
leslie*thomson: we're all in this alone
leslie*thomson: all imperfect things
leslie*thomson: the comfort of strangers
leslie*thomson: "love is in the air..."
leslie*thomson: silence is more musical than any song
leslie*thomson: all the world's a stage
leslie*thomson: hangin' out
leslie*thomson: the comfort of snow
leslie*thomson: For Steve
leslie*thomson: sumach street
leslie*thomson: dark horse bench