Australian Trains:
6029 rounds the Werai Curve near Moss Vale.
Australian Trains:
4403 return journey to Goulburn heads out of Tahmoor
Australian Trains:
J&A Brown No.5 "The Major" in storage at Trainworks, Thirlmere
Australian Trains:
3016 & 2705 climb the last grade before Buxton.
Australian Trains:
3237 working with 6029 at the rear with the Thirlmere to Picton shuttle.
Australian Trains:
6029 waits at Golburn station
Australian Trains:
2705 heads out with the Thirlmere to Buxton shuttle
Australian Trains:
3237 works it way up towards Thirlmere.
Australian Trains:
2705 & 3016 return to Thirlmere with the Buxton shuttle.
Australian Trains:
3642 hauls the Thirlmere Flyer out of Picton.
Australian Trains:
6029 powers through the township of Bowral.
Australian Trains:
3016 & 2705 with the Thirlmere to Buxton shuttle.
Australian Trains:
The last train departs Thirlmere, 3237 & 3016 just as the rain begins to fall.
Australian Trains:
6029 emerges from the fog as it arrives at Goulburn station.
Australian Trains:
An impressive sight as 6029 storms out of Goulburn.
Australian Trains:
3237 rounds Razorback curve bound for Thirlmere.
Australian Trains:
Thirlmere Flyer with 3642 at Razorback curve.
Australian Trains:
6029 arrives at Picton from Goulburn.
Australian Trains:
2705 running solo on the Buxton shuttle.
Australian Trains:
3237 from Sydney arrives at Picton.
Australian Trains:
AD60 Garratt DC6029 at Werai Curve
Australian Trains:
3265 arrives at Buxton with the Thirlmere steam shuttle.
Australian Trains:
Thirlmere Flyer with 3642 heads away from Thirlmere
Australian Trains:
3016 & 3265 double head as they pass through Couridjah.
Australian Trains:
3237 working the Picton Shuttle
Australian Trains:
Running tender first, 3265 & 3016 head back to Thirlmere
Australian Trains:
6029 climbs Thirlmere Bank with the return Picton shuttle.
Australian Trains:
Working it's way through the cutting outside Thirlmere, 2705 heads towards Buxton.
Australian Trains:
3016 & 3265 depart Thirlmere with the Buxton shuttle.
Australian Trains:
The Thirlmere Flyer with 3642 near Maldon.