Australian Trains: 8116 with a load of grain from Jeparit
Australian Trains: 2PM5 with NR25 & NR76 at Rocky River
Australian Trains: ALF18 & CLP8 with a load of grain from Gladstone as heads towards Crystal Brook.
Australian Trains: C501 & GL109 loading grain at Nhill
Australian Trains: 8101 & 8116 loading grain at Hopetoun.
Australian Trains: 4112 Pt Pirie grain with CLF5 & CLP14 at Rocky River.
Australian Trains: GL109 & C501 await a train order to depart Nhill.
Australian Trains: 8116 with a load of grain from Jeparit
Australian Trains: SCT003 & SCT007 head out of Crystal Brook with the 2PM9
Australian Trains: Young Daniel captures GL109 & C501 with a load grain train from Nhill near Pimpinio
Australian Trains: 3MP1 with 6027 & 6002 approach Rocky River.
Australian Trains: G543 with the up Warrnambool Freight.
Australian Trains: 3237 climbs Thirlmere Bank.
Australian Trains: Garratt 6029 rolls down into Bargo.
Australian Trains: The Thirlmere Flyer with 3642 near Maldon.
Australian Trains: 3016 & 3265 depart Thirlmere with the Buxton shuttle.
Australian Trains: Working it's way through the cutting outside Thirlmere, 2705 heads towards Buxton.
Australian Trains: 6029 climbs Thirlmere Bank with the return Picton shuttle.
Australian Trains: Running tender first, 3265 & 3016 head back to Thirlmere
Australian Trains: 3237 working the Picton Shuttle
Australian Trains: 3016 & 3265 double head as they pass through Couridjah.
Australian Trains: Thirlmere Flyer with 3642 heads away from Thirlmere
Australian Trains: 3265 arrives at Buxton with the Thirlmere steam shuttle.
Australian Trains: AD60 Garratt DC6029 at Werai Curve
Australian Trains: 3237 from Sydney arrives at Picton.
Australian Trains: 2705 running solo on the Buxton shuttle.
Australian Trains: 6029 arrives at Picton from Goulburn.
Australian Trains: Thirlmere Flyer with 3642 at Razorback curve.
Australian Trains: 3237 rounds Razorback curve bound for Thirlmere.
Australian Trains: An impressive sight as 6029 storms out of Goulburn.