Australian Trains: 8167 & 8175 near Newcastle
Australian Trains: XR558 with a load of grain at Lovely Banks
Australian Trains: 8256, C509, 8223 & DL46 decend towards Lithgow with a load of coal.
Australian Trains: Interesting lash up through Hexham
Australian Trains: G527 heads under the McMeekin rd
Australian Trains: XR552 at Lovely Banks
Australian Trains: 8221 coalie through Medlow Bath Station
Australian Trains: 8225 with a load of coal for export
Australian Trains: 44209 in the Newcastle yard
Australian Trains: G531, DL50 & G542 arrive back at Dynon
Australian Trains: GM36 trails C501 near Hamilton
Australian Trains: G515 & EL54 head out passed Wingeel
Australian Trains: N458 & N452 departing Warrnambool
Australian Trains: B74 at the head of the El Zorro travelling museum
Australian Trains: XR552 heads outs for another load
Australian Trains: El zorro T386 & C501 loading Mineral Sand at Portland
Australian Trains: C501 & T342 in Portland Yard.
Australian Trains: 9016 Hunter Valley coal train
Australian Trains: NR77 heading north through Donnybrook
Australian Trains: 8209 at Wallerawang
Australian Trains: 8229 at Wentworth Falls
Australian Trains: 8257, 8221, 8236 & 8235 with the Coalie at Lidsdale.
Australian Trains: 9011 with an empty rake of coal wagons
Australian Trains: 8209 loading coal at Lidsdale triangle
Australian Trains: G515 & EL54 pass by the Geelong Refinery.
Australian Trains: VL353 with the down 9719V QUBE Dooen service.
Australian Trains: G527 at Westvic container yard
Australian Trains: A dirty looking 9214
Australian Trains: T386 at the Kalari siding
Australian Trains: 9017 heads back out to the Valley