jaco523: flight path from troy to mackinac island
jaco523: departing KVLL
jaco523: aerial
jaco523: scattered clouds
jaco523: bay city
jaco523: scattered clouds
jaco523: airborn
jaco523: airborn
jaco523: mackinac island and bois blanc island
jaco523: mackinac bridge from the air
jaco523: mackinac bridge from the air
jaco523: mackinac island from the air
jaco523: grand hotel from the air
jaco523: the grand hotel from the air
jaco523: downtown from the air
jaco523: mackinac island from the air
jaco523: nikki at KMCD airport
jaco523: corey at KMCD
jaco523: carriage ride from the airport
jaco523: the woods restaurant
jaco523: mansion
jaco523: the woods restaurant
jaco523: dock at sunrise
jaco523: harbor at sunrise
jaco523: bicycles
jaco523: harbor
jaco523: fort mackinac
jaco523: mackinac island
jaco523: b&b
jaco523: b & b