Margret Maria Cordts: Hikers and hiking trails, Alps of France
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps -- 1995
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps -- 1995
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps -- 1995
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps -- 1995
Margret Maria Cordts: Gentiana clusii, commonly known as flower of the sweet-lady or Clusius' gentian
Margret Maria Cordts: Gentiana clusii, commonly known as flower of the sweet-lady or Clusius' gentian
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps wildflower, Bearded Bellflower ( Campanula barbata)
Margret Maria Cordts: wildflower, Alps of France, Petite moyenne Raiponce a Feuilleton de Betoine
Margret Maria Cordts: heather, Alps of France
Margret Maria Cordts: Martagon Lily (Lis Marathon), Alps of France
Margret Maria Cordts: red tiger lily, Alps
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps wildflower -- 1995
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps wildflower
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps wildflower, Roundheaded Rampion (Phyteuma orbiculare)
Margret Maria Cordts: Wildflower primula tyrolensis
Margret Maria Cordts: Alps wildflower -- 1995