Margret Maria Cordts:
Seagull up close
Margret Maria Cordts:
Montlake Fill - barn swallows
Margret Maria Cordts:
Backyard birds - cardinal
Margret Maria Cordts:
quail atop garden shed Jardin du Soleil
Margret Maria Cordts:
Ducklings swimming among the koi
Margret Maria Cordts:
Red winged blackbird
Margret Maria Cordts:
Greylag goose - preparing for preening
Margret Maria Cordts:
Double-crested Cormorant- three in a row
Margret Maria Cordts:
Flamingoes at the Zoo
Margret Maria Cordts:
Gasworks Park in Seattle
Margret Maria Cordts:
White Pelicans on the Snake River WA
Margret Maria Cordts:
Sandhill Crane in Florida until they hit the STOP sign
Margret Maria Cordts:
Tundra swan - cooling off in the water
Margret Maria Cordts:
Margret Maria Cordts:
Barn swallow peering over the nest edge
Margret Maria Cordts:
The many wings of snow geese flying together
Margret Maria Cordts:
Blackbird defending
Margret Maria Cordts:
Wood stork
Margret Maria Cordts:
Snow goose
Margret Maria Cordts:
Swans of Skagit
Margret Maria Cordts:
Great Blue Heron warming up in morning sunshine
Margret Maria Cordts:
Ducklings swimming with the koi
Margret Maria Cordts:
Flamingoes at the Zoo
Margret Maria Cordts:
Ducklings preening
Margret Maria Cordts:
Yellow headed blackbird
Margret Maria Cordts:
Flamingoes at the Zoo
Margret Maria Cordts:
Sandhill Cranes in Othello WA area
Margret Maria Cordts:
White Pelicans on the Snake River WA
Margret Maria Cordts:
Ibis working hard for a meal
Margret Maria Cordts:
Swan flying