cordial kitten: Ho ho ho-in' the snow.
cordial kitten: My snow bear.
cordial kitten: Virginia was a very prolific artist today. She made me hang them all in the gallery, then take them all down so she could show daddy.
cordial kitten: Lil paleontologist.
cordial kitten: Children's Museum.
cordial kitten: Cheeeeeeese!
cordial kitten: Being two is a lot of fun.
cordial kitten: Virginia's favorite thing to do right now: "cut paper?"
cordial kitten: Some of you have been asking for pictures. That's no basketball.
cordial kitten: Leaving for school with daddy.
cordial kitten: I have two buddies today.
cordial kitten: 480941_10100469812603844_798567987_n
cordial kitten: 812762_10100476223865624_1262830973_o
cordial kitten: Virginia modeling in our new light box/unfinished bathroom. #nofilter
cordial kitten: Rainy day train watching.
cordial kitten: We stopped at Starbucks.
cordial kitten: Morning snuggles.
cordial kitten: Snuggle pals.
cordial kitten: It was her idea to make him sad.
cordial kitten: Rainy day waiting for Virginia to get out of school.
cordial kitten: Hiram "Hank" Joseph. Born at home at 5:48am after 4 hours!
cordial kitten: We're tired but doing well.
cordial kitten: Catching some rays.