Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0009a sm Mottled Flounder, Bothus maculiferus, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0010a sm Mottled Flounder, Bothus maculiferus, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0012a sm Mottled Flounder, Bothus maculiferus, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0013a sm Variegated Urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0021a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0024a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0025a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0026a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0029a sm Brazilian Reef Octopus, Octopus insularis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0031a sm Brazilian Reef Octopus, Octopus insularis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0032a sm Brazilian Reef Octopus, Octopus insularis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0033a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, , Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0036a smBrazilian Reef Octopus, Octopus insularis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0037a sm Brazilian Reef Octopus, Octopus insularis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0038a sm Brazilian Reef Octopus, Octopus insularis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0039a sm Skeleton of dead Southern Stingray, Hypanus americanus, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0041a sm Bandtail Puffer, Sphoeroides spengleri, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0043a sm Bandtail Puffer, Sphoeroides spengleri, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0046a sm Warty Comb Jelly, Leucothea multicornis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0046b sm Warty Comb Jelly, Leucothea multicornis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0048a sm Warty Comb Jelly, Leucothea multicornis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0049a sm Warty Comb Jelly, Leucothea multicornis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0050a sm Warty Comb Jelly, Leucothea multicornis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0055a sm Warty Comb Jelly, Leucothea multicornis, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0058a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0068a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0069a sm Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber, Holothuria mexicana, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0071a sm Longsnout Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0077a sm Orangespotted Filefish, Cantherhines pullus, Frederiksted Pier
Pauline Walsh Jacobson: usvi 16 IMG_0078a sm Stovepipe Sponge, Aplysina archeri and Scattered Pore Rope Sponge, Amphimedon compressa, Frederiksted Pier