M-Dashing: Chiavari Bamboo Ballroom Chair
M-Dashing: Groom cookies
M-Dashing: Groom cookies
M-Dashing: Bride cookies
M-Dashing: IMG_5109
M-Dashing: IMG_5114
M-Dashing: IMG_5115
M-Dashing: The loot
M-Dashing: The loot
M-Dashing: The loot
M-Dashing: The loot
M-Dashing: The way the bride would decorate if she could
M-Dashing: The way the bride would decorate if she could
M-Dashing: IMG_5121
M-Dashing: Gift bags
M-Dashing: Gift bags
M-Dashing: "English, Please!" game
M-Dashing: IMG_5122
M-Dashing: IMG_5124
M-Dashing: IMG_5128
M-Dashing: IMG_5133
M-Dashing: Sugar bowl
M-Dashing: Sugar bowl
M-Dashing: Sugar & candied ginger
M-Dashing: IMG_5182
M-Dashing: flowers
M-Dashing: IMG_5150
M-Dashing: IMG_5184
M-Dashing: IMG_5196
M-Dashing: IMG_5154