the_coprolite: Still no Western painted turtles
the_coprolite: Belted Kingfisher
the_coprolite: Belted Kingfisher
the_coprolite: Bear and Cub.. and Deer
the_coprolite: Bear and Cub
the_coprolite: Bear and Cub
the_coprolite: Canada Goose, motes, rain, and midges.... Oh my!
the_coprolite: 5/5. Bears and walkers
the_coprolite: 4. Bears and walkers
the_coprolite: 3/5. Bears and walkers
the_coprolite: 2/5. Bears and walkers
the_coprolite: 1/5. Bears and walkers
the_coprolite: The Boss
the_coprolite: The Boss
the_coprolite: Bear in the way.
the_coprolite: Blueberry fields forever
the_coprolite: Juvenile Bald Eagle..
the_coprolite: Great Blue Heron.. not cooperating.
the_coprolite: Black-tail Deer
the_coprolite: Two headed Black-tail Deer
the_coprolite: Turkey Vulture (Northern)
the_coprolite: Turkey Vulture (Northern)
the_coprolite: Turkey Vulture (Northern)
the_coprolite: Turkey Vulture (Northern)
the_coprolite: Turkey Vulture (Northern)
the_coprolite: Juvenile Bald Eagle.
the_coprolite: Norther Shrike ?
the_coprolite: Norther Shrike ?
the_coprolite: Red-breasted Sapsucker
the_coprolite: Red-breasted Sapsucker