the_coprolite: Saskatchewan Friday
the_coprolite: Creston Friday
the_coprolite: Creston Friday
the_coprolite: Creston Friday
the_coprolite: Creston Friday
the_coprolite: Creston Friday
the_coprolite: Hummingbird
the_coprolite: Storks in the Manitoba Sky
the_coprolite: Loon with Crayfish
the_coprolite: Loons in the rain
the_coprolite: Westbound train SK
the_coprolite: Westbound train MB
the_coprolite: Kakabeka Falls Ont
the_coprolite: Beaver finding a way up the Falls
the_coprolite: Douglas Squirrel?
the_coprolite: Baldie and Crow
the_coprolite: Baldie and Crow
the_coprolite: Bald Eagle
the_coprolite: Warm Lake
the_coprolite: Beaver Lodge
the_coprolite: Death of a giant
the_coprolite: In the trees
the_coprolite: Curious
the_coprolite: Attack run towards me