Coppertane: Damien
Coppertane: Bunny tooth and dirty cap
Coppertane: drink red dog, be handsome like me
Coppertane: Xiao Bai, aka small white
Coppertane: Me red as a red dog
Coppertane: Brian aka small fat
Coppertane: lets get drunk tonight ..
Coppertane: me my wife and my *botak head
Coppertane: lets get fran drunk instead
Coppertane: fran, are you drunk yet? kiss me ...
Coppertane: img023
Coppertane: Alan Ho
Coppertane: Tommy lai
Coppertane: Shawn Lim
Coppertane: Ah Chua
Coppertane: Brian again, why is he always here
Coppertane: img031
Coppertane: because theres 'free' food thats why
Coppertane: yah we agreed
Coppertane: wonder if i can get my tongue in ...
Coppertane: Bao Yue, aka ah bao
Coppertane: he also want 'free' food
Coppertane: we should be 'getting' fran, not me
Coppertane: img039
Coppertane: yah,i am not the smallest .. i hope
Coppertane: who cares, lets get drunk
Coppertane: crazy Singaporeans ...