copaco: [Mandatory] First Stop
copaco: vino, chien, bas de laine, et Liam Neeson... tu sais que c'est un noyeux joël quand...
copaco: Professional Dorks
copaco: What's that Phrase?
copaco: Under There
copaco: Golfer
copaco: Heading to Lely
copaco: Male Grooming
copaco: American male grooming session... where the owner starts a conversation with "there are two things I hate about Montreal..." -_-
copaco: Succulent Mélange (et jeu de mots)
copaco: magic hour
copaco: Waffle House
copaco: Morning Coffee
copaco: Front Porch
copaco: From Under the Umbrella
copaco: 2014-12-29 15.44.14
copaco: Sunset Catchs
copaco: Reeling it In
copaco: Catch du Jour
copaco: Breakfast
copaco: Hallandale - 12th Floor View
copaco: SOBE - La Sandwicherie
copaco: SOBE - Mandatory Stop
copaco: Bragging Rights
copaco: Photo Scam ;-)
copaco: 2014-12-30 15.06.50