cooperella: CIMG5445
cooperella: The South 5th - planting
cooperella: The South 5th - R.O.W. planters
cooperella: The South 5th - landscape
cooperella: The South 5th - planting bed detail
cooperella: IMG_0110
cooperella: IMG_0592
cooperella: IMG_0594
cooperella: IMG_0595
cooperella: IMG_0989
cooperella: blackfoot daisy
cooperella: ouch.
cooperella: scary flower.
cooperella: IMG_1011
cooperella: some sort of alfalfa flower? or milkvetch?
cooperella: roadside blue-eyed grass
cooperella: philadelphia fleabane
cooperella: philadelphia fleabane
cooperella: looks like hosta leaves...
cooperella: but not hosta flower. hrm.
cooperella: golden groundsel/round leaf ragwort
cooperella: prairie nymph
cooperella: kyle inspects a blooming hawthorne
cooperella: small desert chicory
cooperella: small desert chicory
cooperella: IMG_1035
cooperella: cool aquatic. dunno what it is.
cooperella: trailing phlox
cooperella: trailing phlox
cooperella: common oxalis