cooncesean2002: SeenON Meeting
cooncesean2002: brainstorming
cooncesean2002: accounting
cooncesean2002: kelson and tanya
cooncesean2002: chinatown
cooncesean2002: chinatown
cooncesean2002: the mural
cooncesean2002: michelle and jamie
cooncesean2002: michelle
cooncesean2002: finishing touches
cooncesean2002: smiles :)
cooncesean2002: teamwork
cooncesean2002: karen and sam
cooncesean2002: place setting
cooncesean2002: place setting
cooncesean2002: chopstick macro
cooncesean2002: coookiemacro
cooncesean2002: mattykins
cooncesean2002: yay mural!
cooncesean2002: sara and jamie
cooncesean2002: accounting