Cools Pix: Chauncey Peak
Cools Pix: Large 1957 Eric Sloane mural in the lobby of the former Insilco HQ
Cools Pix: View of CT Open Space at Bilger's Farm from Chauncey Peak
Cools Pix: 1957 Eric Sloane mural in the lobby of the former Insilco HQ
Cools Pix: View of CT Open Space at Bilger's Farm from Chauncey Peak
Cools Pix: "Cosmopolitan Club" - June 1875 inscription on Chauncey Peak
Cools Pix: Chauncey-0432
Cools Pix: Chauncey Peak view in Autumn
Cools Pix: Looking East from Chauncey Peak in Autumn
Cools Pix: my friend and colleague Radhika enjoys the view
Cools Pix: Autumn leaves shimmer in Crescent Lake at Giuffrida Park
Cools Pix: Betty and I - Chauncey Peak 2013
Cools Pix: Chauncey Peak from Giuffrida Park
Cools Pix: Encroaching danger approaches Chauncey Peak
Cools Pix: York Hill Trap Rock 2015 above, 2010 below (Chuck King 2015 photo)
Cools Pix: Large 1957 Eric Sloane mural in the lobby of the former Insilco HQ, now the HQ for the Record-Journal newspaper
Cools Pix: Hunter Memorial Golf from the trail at Chauncey
Cools Pix: View West from Chauncey Peak
Cools Pix: Giuffrida Park and Crescent Lake from the trail
Cools Pix: Chauncey-0513
Cools Pix: A scary look at the encroaching danger
Cools Pix: Giuffrida Chauncey Suzio boundaries
Cools Pix: Source: Dr. Peter LeTourneau