Cools Pix: DAR Library
Cools Pix: DAR Library orientation
Cools Pix: DAR Library
Cools Pix: Barb and Steve provide guidance
Cools Pix: David (L) and Doug
Cools Pix: Randy Smith
Cools Pix: DAR Library's balcony
Cools Pix: Historian MaryJo Price researching
Cools Pix: Randall Cooley Smith
Cools Pix: Entering the Archives
Cools Pix: Doug gets a laugh
Cools Pix: Michael Cooley at the National Archives
Cools Pix: Outside the Archives
Cools Pix: The Steeby Family
Cools Pix: Aaron, Mark, and Joyce Steeby
Cools Pix: Back on the bus
Cools Pix: The National Archives
Cools Pix: Guardianship - Sculptor James Earle Fraser
Cools Pix: Chuck at the Wheel
Cools Pix: Washington Monument
Cools Pix: US Capitol
Cools Pix: The Kennedy Center
Cools Pix: Carol enjoying the bus tour
Cools Pix: The White House
Cools Pix: Washington Monument near Dusk
Cools Pix: Dan, Marty, Patti
Cools Pix: The room fills
Cools Pix: Recognizing our Keynote Speaker Michael Cooley
Cools Pix: Dan Bienlien discussed proud Cooley History at US Naval Academy
Cools Pix: Genealogist Doug Cooley covers family web sites