Cools Pix: Connecticut River Haddam
Cools Pix: CT River
Cools Pix: Goodspeed
Cools Pix: E Haddam Drawbridge
Cools Pix: CT River
Cools Pix: Goodspeed Airport
Cools Pix: Goodspeed Airport
Cools Pix: Goodspeed Opera House
Cools Pix: Gelston House
Cools Pix: View from Goodspeed
Cools Pix: E Haddam Drawbridge 2
Cools Pix: E Haddam paper delivery
Cools Pix: CTTEL Fore
Cools Pix: Rico and Brad
Cools Pix: Par 5 3rd hole
Cools Pix: Rico sizes it up
Cools Pix: Rico follow thru
Cools Pix: Who is that masked man?
Cools Pix: Who is that masked man? [post-Photoshop]
Cools Pix: Rico follow thru
Cools Pix: Rico hits his provisional
Cools Pix: Brad addresses the ball
Cools Pix: Brad follow thru
Cools Pix: Brad watches flight
Cools Pix: My only Birdie all day
Cools Pix: Par 4
Cools Pix: Colin swings away
Cools Pix: Colin follow thru
Cools Pix: DC swing
Cools Pix: Fox Hopyard