lucille smithson: L to R: Icarus, Valerie, Mike Smithson
lucille smithson: Kirov Oblast (Paul)
lucille smithson: L to R: Icarus, Thomthumb
lucille smithson: Nigel White
lucille smithson: L to R: M de Silhouette, Gavin, Tabman (Steve)
lucille smithson: L to R: Jacky Smithson, Roger, Innocent Abroad
lucille smithson: Sophia, Graham
lucille smithson: Augustus Carp
lucille smithson: L to R: Jacky Smithson, Roger, Innocent Abroad
lucille smithson: Sophia, Graham
lucille smithson: The Star Tavern
lucille smithson: Gavin, Mike Smithson
lucille smithson: Gavin, Mike Smithson
lucille smithson: Foreground L to R: Nigel White, James O, Middle: Tom Thumb (Stuart), Valerie, Background: BV, Robert Smithson, Icarus
lucille smithson: Foreground L to R: James O, Middle: Innocent Abroad (Mike), Back: Jacky Smithson, Roger
lucille smithson: Foreground L to R: Book Value (BV), Robert Smithson, Background: Augustus Carp, Icarus (Stephen)
lucille smithson: Jacky Smithson, Roger (not the “usual” Roger)
lucille smithson: Foreground L to R: Book Value, Robert Smithson, (Background) Augustus Carp (David)