Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Ice Storm
Liz Castro: Old Apple Tree We'll Wassail Thee
Liz Castro: Frozen Field
Liz Castro: Ice on Blue
Liz Castro: Laika helps collect fallen branches
Liz Castro: Sheep and icicles
Liz Castro: Xana saying "take less pictures and bring me hay"
Liz Castro: Listen: <<crack>>
Liz Castro: Icicles
Liz Castro: Downed branches
Liz Castro: Snapped branches
Liz Castro: Branches hanging on electric wires
Liz Castro: It's sunny today, but still the ice remains
Liz Castro: Laika goes to Iceland
Liz Castro: ice covered apples
Liz Castro: ice covered apples
Liz Castro: Ice after three days
Liz Castro: Icy trees
Liz Castro: Ice storm
Liz Castro: Ice storm
Liz Castro: Still no electricity
Liz Castro: Still completely covered after three days of sunshine