Liz Castro: old car.jpg
Liz Castro: kids wrestling2.jpg
Liz Castro: Tony Delgado and John Castro
Liz Castro: Tony Delgado
Liz Castro: Aunt Mary Castro
Liz Castro: goat.jpg
Liz Castro: please help identify
Liz Castro: Papa and Mama Vigallon, with Rose or Connie
Liz Castro: Train.jpg
Liz Castro: Frank Delgado
Liz Castro: Papa Rafael Vigallon
Liz Castro: Rafael
Liz Castro: Rafael and coops.jpg
Liz Castro: Rafael and Johnnie
Liz Castro: Papa Rafael, Benny, and maybe Laura.jpg
Liz Castro: Connie, Janet, Josie, and Mike
Liz Castro: Mike
Liz Castro: Mike, Papa Rafael, Benny and ??.jpg
Liz Castro: Mike, Frank, Marie, and Benny
Liz Castro: Mike and kids
Liz Castro: Mike and kids.jpg
Liz Castro: Tony Delgado, John and Mike Castro
Liz Castro: Vigallon Women
Liz Castro: Concha, ? ?
Liz Castro: Josie Delgado
Liz Castro: John, Remedios, Rose, and Johnnie in front
Liz Castro: John, Remedios, Rose, Connie
Liz Castro: Dad
Liz Castro: Connie? and goat.jpg
Liz Castro: Connie, Concha and boys2.jpg