cooks333: Around Trollhaven
cooks333: Pointing out features from Janie's peak
cooks333: Back to the main cabin
cooks333: Happy Boo
cooks333: Wait for it Beth
cooks333: Smokin' hot bird
cooks333: Through the aspen forest
cooks333: On to more peaks
cooks333: Joe and Ginger
cooks333: Soft focus
cooks333: Hiking crew
cooks333: Through Boulder Canyon to the Great Plains
cooks333: First glimpse of the Rockies
cooks333: Enjoying the view
cooks333: Lieberts
cooks333: Fearless leader
cooks333: Photo Bomb!
cooks333: Post-photo bomb satisfaction
cooks333: Kellogg hikers
cooks333: Kellogg explorers