Scatteredmom: Kevin's Caramel
Scatteredmom: The Best Caramel
Scatteredmom: Catherine's Caramel
Scatteredmom: Reading the packet
Scatteredmom: All Done by Hand
Scatteredmom: Infusions
Scatteredmom: Alexis has a turn at the mixer
Scatteredmom: Catherine
Scatteredmom: Crushing Cardomom
Scatteredmom: Brandee at Work
Scatteredmom: Squeeze that Chai!
Scatteredmom: Tracey
Scatteredmom: Pour it in the Mixer
Scatteredmom: Don't Be Shy
Scatteredmom: Alexis Pouring
Scatteredmom: Sandi Mixing it Up
Scatteredmom: Gelato Ladies
Scatteredmom: gelato machine
Scatteredmom: Spin Round and Round
Scatteredmom: Paddling It
Scatteredmom: The Best Part of Gelato Making
Scatteredmom: Salted Lemons
Scatteredmom: Salted Lemons Up Close
Scatteredmom: The Most Expensive Pistachios in the World
Scatteredmom: Spoons
Scatteredmom: Street View
Scatteredmom: Mom and son
Scatteredmom: New Bio Photo