Scatteredmom: Kevin is happy!
Scatteredmom: La Parilla, Bozeman, MT
Scatteredmom: Butterfly!
Scatteredmom: Checking out the claim
Scatteredmom: Is there gold in there?
Scatteredmom: Gold panning
Scatteredmom: Out in the Wilds of South Dakota
Scatteredmom: Okay now, can we go shopping?
Scatteredmom: Peek a boo!
Scatteredmom: Spidermom
Scatteredmom: Morning dew
Scatteredmom: Tiny butterfly
Scatteredmom: Like Father, Like son
Scatteredmom: Cows are watching!
Scatteredmom: Gold Fever
Scatteredmom: Huge Butterfly
Scatteredmom: Rapid City clouds
Scatteredmom: Air and Space Museum
Scatteredmom: Hill City
Scatteredmom: Berlin Wall
Scatteredmom: Iron Horse
Scatteredmom: Browsing Through the Shops
Scatteredmom: An Apple II
Scatteredmom: Planes at the Air and Space Museum
Scatteredmom: Custer Courthouse Museum
Scatteredmom: On the Road
Scatteredmom: Road Trip Lunch
Scatteredmom: The Colorado is HIGH
Scatteredmom: Stormy