Converseon: Our VP Jasper Snyder accepting the 2010 SAMMY Award for Best Socialized Business on behalf of IBM (with Converseon as a listening partner)
Converseon: IBM and listening partner Converseon recognized at the 2010 SAMMY Awards!
Converseon: Converseon VP Jasper Snyder talking on The Future of Listening at the 2010 DigiDay:Social
Converseon: Converseon VP Jasper Snyder talking on The Future of Listening at the 2010 DigiDay:Social
Converseon: Converseon's Jasper Snyder speaking on DigiDay:Social's panel, 'Are You Listening? Using Social Insights to Shape Your Marketing'
Converseon: Converseon's Jasper Snyder speaking on DigiDay:Social's panel, 'Are You Listening? Using Social Insights to Shape Your Marketing'
Converseon: Start of DigiDay:Social's panel, 'Are You Listening? Using Social Insights to Shape Your Marketing'