Coco Mault: Welcome to Minneapolis
Coco Mault: In Humphrey Terminal
Coco Mault: Playing at the Airport
Coco Mault: Wyatt DJs at the Airport
Coco Mault: First to Board
Coco Mault: Finding Our Seats
Coco Mault: Waiting in Line
Coco Mault: Wyatt's First Flight
Coco Mault: Minneapolis
Coco Mault: Looking Out the Window
Coco Mault: Clouds
Coco Mault: In the Sky
Coco Mault: Reflection in the Airtrain
Coco Mault: El Wyatt
Coco Mault: Man and Dog in Central Park
Coco Mault: Wyatt and his Grandma Walk in Central Park
Coco Mault: Ready and Rarin' To Go!
Coco Mault: Wyatt Shows Us the Way
Coco Mault: Looking at Headgear
Coco Mault: I Spy A Belly Button!
Coco Mault: Wyatt Has A Staredown in the Met Museum
Coco Mault: Part of the Display
Coco Mault: Posers
Coco Mault: Knocked It Over
Coco Mault: Stare-Down
Coco Mault: Piece of Pottery
Coco Mault: IMG_2238
Coco Mault: Joining the Ranks
Coco Mault: Joining the Ranks
Coco Mault: IMG_2243