Tower Guy: Empty back seat.
Tower Guy: Last light.
Tower Guy: Copper 6, Arizona ANG.
Tower Guy: Copper 6 shooting T & Gs at sunset.
Tower Guy: Downwind
Tower Guy: Copper 6 sharing the sky with T-storms.
Tower Guy: Copper 6
Tower Guy: Gear down, cleared touch & go.
Tower Guy: KC-135
Tower Guy: Navy C-2
Tower Guy: After just one small rain shower in Phoenix the Navy comes to town.
Tower Guy: Building a tail section by committee.
Tower Guy: Missions complete under windscreen.
Tower Guy: Name above nose says it all.
Tower Guy: 105 mm cannon exiting left rear of aircraft.
Tower Guy: Dry strafe pass.
Tower Guy: Bullseye "Shack"
Tower Guy: Just a little wide.
Tower Guy: Moment of impact.
Tower Guy: Almost a little early on the chute, normally they land first.
Tower Guy: These chutes are very effective on a small jet.
Tower Guy: Jet blast shoots the drag chute after release.
Tower Guy: Double Decker.
Tower Guy: Boss's Jet.
Tower Guy: Keeping an eye on flight lead.
Tower Guy: Troops paying respect.
Tower Guy: Some relief from 100+ temp.
Tower Guy: This is called a "FINNI" flight.
Tower Guy: AF tradition after last flight.
Tower Guy: Kissing cousins