controltheweb: Luna Joy and Dave
controltheweb: Bubbles in the bottom of clear glass on tablecloth.
controltheweb: railroad track reflecting trees in the rain
controltheweb: railroad tracks heading west out of Minneapolis
controltheweb: Ashtray in the rain
controltheweb: Olympic sleepers in training
controltheweb: In the embrace of life
controltheweb: Harry_
controltheweb: Power Outage
controltheweb: Between Jobs
controltheweb: A recent retouch
controltheweb: My Wife Sarah Dancing
controltheweb: Ruby peeks up from a nap
controltheweb: Factory smokestacks near Rogers, MN on a very cold day
controltheweb: Snowy Japanese Branches
controltheweb: Morning light on cattails in snow
controltheweb: Firewood as if wet in moon and lantern light
controltheweb: Sunday early morning attention
controltheweb: Catching the last rays
controltheweb: Late Autumn leaves watch the sun go down
controltheweb: The real bus stop
controltheweb: Will she ever notice him spying?
controltheweb: Night bird in the parking lot
controltheweb: After the rain, lined up in the fog
controltheweb: Fall leaves starting to pile up ...
controltheweb: Curled up by mom
controltheweb: Reflections at Sunset
controltheweb: "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."
controltheweb: Redwood forest, light faeries
controltheweb: Redwoods in contemplation