Contrastique: Ready to Go!
Contrastique: On our way!
Contrastique: I finally got the meaning of 21 gears...yeayyy!!!
Contrastique: First trays!!
Contrastique: Tent and all setup; right place!
Contrastique: Focusing
Contrastique: Exposing the plate; 4x5" tintype for starters
Contrastique: KCN fixing...ohhh...exciting!!
Contrastique: And we have a 2 second-image!
Contrastique: Me in my Darkroom Tent
Contrastique: The LED-light strip with the battery hidden in the ventilation department
Contrastique: Nr9957-small
Contrastique: Another image
Contrastique: An overview of the setup
Contrastique: And that was it! Good Bey!!
Contrastique: And that was truly it ;-)
Contrastique: Packing of the Bike
Contrastique: Bart pushing the bike and all up the hill, that was pretty heavy
Contrastique: Here I could do it myself
Contrastique: The Tent 1
Contrastique: The Tent 2
Contrastique: On my way
Contrastique: The split seconds before removing the lens cap
Contrastique: Wet Plate Collodion Demo Kunsttour 2010 Part 1
Contrastique: Wet Plate Collodion Demo Kunsttour 2010 Part 2