contrapunctus: 8:27 PM: Tomato Pie for supper
contrapunctus: 8:03 PM: Centennial again
contrapunctus: 6:12 PM: Showing movies to my shape-note singing class
contrapunctus: 1:14 PM: Stairwell and hallway update
contrapunctus: 1:12 PM: Sculptures, including one I like to call "Beached Whale Carcass"
contrapunctus: 1:09 PM: More for my "sculpture in the stairwell" series
contrapunctus: 11:41 AM: The cat organ and flyer for the singing on Saturday
contrapunctus: 10:39 AM: The middle of test #2
contrapunctus: 9:08 AM: Just over a minute before the test, 3 out of 4 present
contrapunctus: 7:59 AM: Centennial Hall
contrapunctus: 7:58 AM: Obligatory First Baptist Steeple Pic
contrapunctus: 7:56 AM: On my way to work
contrapunctus: 6:27 AM: Scrambled Egg Close-Up