constructor_trurl: Introducing Tigergutt
constructor_trurl: Introducing Sergeant Fuzzy Boots
constructor_trurl: More of Fuzzy Boots on the chair
constructor_trurl: Fuzzy Boots chewing on a dragon's tail
constructor_trurl: Tigergutt chewing on Fuzzy Boots
constructor_trurl: Post-match shower
constructor_trurl: Tigergutt playing with my shoelaces
constructor_trurl: Fuzzy Boots and a triceratops
constructor_trurl: "Won't comez off"
constructor_trurl: Storming the speakers
constructor_trurl: Sergeant Fuzzy Boots on the speaker
constructor_trurl: Tigergutt on the speaker
constructor_trurl: Tigergutt napping on the couch
constructor_trurl: Fuzzy Boots closeup
constructor_trurl: "Iz movin towards the lite"
constructor_trurl: Another Fuzzy Boots closeup
constructor_trurl: Tigergutt closeup
constructor_trurl: Another Tigergutt closeup