constructor_trurl: The Ice Palace in Schwarzee
constructor_trurl: In a grove of trees
constructor_trurl: Plush penguins attend the fountain
constructor_trurl: An ice chair
constructor_trurl: A large ice formation
constructor_trurl: A nearby river
constructor_trurl: One the of several grills
constructor_trurl: This could be an Ikea display
constructor_trurl: Impressively long icicles
constructor_trurl: The ice gateway
constructor_trurl: Another ice structure
constructor_trurl: A close-up of some of the ice
constructor_trurl: Setting sun
constructor_trurl: Ice encrusted trees
constructor_trurl: Another ice close-up
constructor_trurl: For when you don't want a good time
constructor_trurl: Ice structures lit at night
constructor_trurl: The ice gateway at night
constructor_trurl: A colourful snowscape