constructor_trurl: That way to Gruyères
constructor_trurl: Looking back at some of the mountains
constructor_trurl: On the path to Gruyères
constructor_trurl: Looking back the way we came
constructor_trurl: Rime covered branches
constructor_trurl: The medieval village
constructor_trurl: Gruyères valley panorama
constructor_trurl: Looking back into the valley
constructor_trurl: At the gates
constructor_trurl: Inside the gatehouse
constructor_trurl: Gatehouse panorama
constructor_trurl: Another view of the gatehouse
constructor_trurl: Viewing the valley from an arrow loop
constructor_trurl: Looking out into the valley from the gatehouse
constructor_trurl: Another gatehouse panorama
constructor_trurl: Ice tables
constructor_trurl: In the medieval village
constructor_trurl: The H.R. Giger Museum
constructor_trurl: A sculpture above the museum's entrance
constructor_trurl: Giger's "Birth Machine" sculpture
constructor_trurl: Giger's "Goggle Baby" sculpture
constructor_trurl: Château de Gruyères
constructor_trurl: Panorama from the Château
constructor_trurl: Another panorama from the Château
constructor_trurl: Looking into the valley from the Château
constructor_trurl: A sculpture outside the Château
constructor_trurl: Another view of the valley and the mountains
constructor_trurl: Another Gruyères valley panorama
constructor_trurl: Viewing the mountains from the battlements
constructor_trurl: Bronze shield of Venus