constructor_trurl: Balloons over Bern
constructor_trurl: More balloons over Bern
constructor_trurl: Even more balloons over Bern
constructor_trurl: The Swiss Parliament Building
constructor_trurl: A large, public game of chess
constructor_trurl: The Vennerbrunnen
constructor_trurl: The Zytglogge clock tower
constructor_trurl: The other side of the Zytglogge clock tower
constructor_trurl: Close up of the eastern face of the Zytglogge
constructor_trurl: The Zähringerbrunnen
constructor_trurl: The Simsonbrunnen
constructor_trurl: An interesting fountain
constructor_trurl: A view of the Münster cathedral
constructor_trurl: The front of the Münster cathedral
constructor_trurl: A close up of the Münster entrace
constructor_trurl: Greenhouses on the hill
constructor_trurl: A small fall in the Aare River
constructor_trurl: Wonderful urban gardens
constructor_trurl: More of the gardens
constructor_trurl: Even more of the gardens
constructor_trurl: A gryphon statue
constructor_trurl: A view of more of the old city and the Nydegg Church
constructor_trurl: The Aare river that carves out the center of Bern
constructor_trurl: Megalith's in the Aare ariver?
constructor_trurl: Bears in the Bern bear pit
constructor_trurl: A view of Bern from a hill across the river
constructor_trurl: A closer view of Bern's old city
constructor_trurl: Chocolate scarab beetles
constructor_trurl: The view from my room in Bern