constructor_trurl: My office is on the other side of this building
constructor_trurl: A closer look at L'oiseau euphorique
constructor_trurl: L'oiseau euphorique
constructor_trurl: Part of campus
constructor_trurl: Some of the buildings use an interesting metallic paneling
constructor_trurl: Approaching the EPFL campus
constructor_trurl: A log that has washed up to shore
constructor_trurl: Another picture looking east along the shore
constructor_trurl: Ducks heading for the bridge
constructor_trurl: A small bridge I encountered while crossing communes
constructor_trurl: Looking the over direction up the shore
constructor_trurl: A tree stump carved as a face
constructor_trurl: Birds roosting on a pier
constructor_trurl: Looking down the shoreline
constructor_trurl: The mountains are obscured today
constructor_trurl: Earlier morning rowing practice
constructor_trurl: Another sculpture on my walk
constructor_trurl: An interesting sculpture I encountered in my walk
constructor_trurl: The hostel where I am staying