constructor_trurl: Fredrichstraße station
constructor_trurl: FrederichStraße tracks
constructor_trurl: Moltke-brück
constructor_trurl: Moltke-brück ornamentation
constructor_trurl: A view of the Riechstag
constructor_trurl: Better view of the Reichstag
constructor_trurl: Brandenburg Tor
constructor_trurl: Tourist sight
constructor_trurl: More of the tourist sight
constructor_trurl: Deutscher Dom?
constructor_trurl: Französischer Dom?
constructor_trurl: Concert house statue
constructor_trurl: Fake sushi
constructor_trurl: Where I stayed
constructor_trurl: Street painters
constructor_trurl: More of the street painters
constructor_trurl: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche
constructor_trurl: More of Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche
constructor_trurl: An interesting building
constructor_trurl: Gedächtniskirche sculpture
constructor_trurl: Gedächtniskirche sculpture
constructor_trurl: Kid on a raft
constructor_trurl: Kids on a raft
constructor_trurl: Something's smoking!
constructor_trurl: Canoe racing
constructor_trurl: A view down the canal
constructor_trurl: The first match
constructor_trurl: Canoe racing
constructor_trurl: Canoe racing