connors934: Freshly painted basement floor.
connors934: New high score for the latest obsession
connors934: Piper pano glitch
connors934: No mail today
connors934: Pano glitch at parade
connors934: Chill squirrel
connors934: Nice hood art
connors934: New mvrhs be room is coming along
connors934: Storm? Bring it!
connors934: Boats are a little behind schedule this morning
connors934: I like these odds
connors934: At least four kids who aren't in my classes have asked about fidget spinners today
connors934: This spider is considerably larger than yesterday's, and has been relocated outside
connors934: It's always interesting to see what got printed in my classroom aft an absence.
connors934: Post election, yard signs of the vanquished
connors934: So, we got another bird, and have started the process again
connors934: All the varieties are ready to roll
connors934: Autumnal textures
connors934: Pine hill
connors934: It's fall now
connors934: Back in college, this guy's cousin showed up at a party in my apartment. He later went to another party
connors934: Sunset
connors934: Late afternoon on the jetty
connors934: The ancestral yard is still providing a few more weekends of nice visuals
connors934: Wile the moonrise was pretty cool, Myles had a good view of the sunset
connors934: Found a relic of an earlier time
connors934: Ready for snow!
connors934: Third pile of free firewood has grown to equal the others. Need chainsaw, splitter, woodstove
connors934: Peak color for the Japanese maple
connors934: Looking autumnal this weekend