connors934: Modified fan blade
connors934: Waterproofed
connors934: Prepping motors
connors934: Waterproofed motors
connors934: IMG_20110408_133409
connors934: Waterproofing motor
connors934: waxing the motors
connors934: IMG_20110408_132058
connors934: IMG_20110408_132053
connors934: IMG_20110408_123411
connors934: Gears and motors
connors934: ANYthing can be attached to a motor!
connors934: IMG_20110407_164033.jpg
connors934: Motors and things to attach to them
connors934: Motor plates with hex pockets
connors934: Motor and gearz
connors934: IMG_20110407_120004.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110407_115955.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110407_115951.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110407_115931.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110407_115914.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110407_115908.jpg
connors934: Cutting the gears
connors934: inkscape designed gears
connors934: IMG_20110406_144213.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110406_144208.jpg
connors934: laser cut gear test
connors934: IMG_20110406_140933.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110406_140911.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110406_140901.jpg